Kellerman Software Themed Wizard v1.61 (19 Oct 2014) Retail + License Key
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What is Kellerman Software Themed Wizard?
Themed Wizard is a .NET Wizard Control has the ability to permit the user and developer in order to create wizard style interfaces easily and flexibility in the user application of .NET 2.0 or even higher in the wind form. It consists of 12 teams that as well as designer navigation plus smart tags. The themed wizard has the ability to make the user application of the win form to stand out from the crowd and make it unique. The product is also considered to be included in the gold suite and the subscribers of the gold suite are capable of receiving the new product updates as well as the new product as a part of the annual subscription for free. It is considered that the best value is in the industry itself. It is considered to be very simple to use and it is user-friendly control and the process of dragging and dropping on a form with wizard that has the ability to automatically generate the page for the welcome, the inside page as well as their landing page. The layout as well as the navigation time the user has to click on the following button as well as the back button in order to Traverse the magician page during the design time.
Kellerman Software Themed Wizard Great Features:
It has the following features and attributes that are stated as below such as:
- It has the ability to Simply drag as well as the rock into a form and then the wizard has the ability to automatically create a welcome page for the user and the developer on the interior page along with a completion page.
- It has the ability to navigate during the design time.
- It has the ability to change the default order of the page as well as specified different icons that are present along with the background images for each and every page which is desired by the user.
- It provides industry standards which is formatted and the health or an easy-to-use demo is included for the users.
- It consists of 100% managed code which is written in the language of C# and has no external dependencies or even libraries that are required except for the framework of .NET.
- It has the ability to provide a royalty-free distribution to the user and the developer.
- The user has the ability to purchase today and receive all the upgrades up to a year for free.
- It is capable of providing a lifetime service as well as technical support through email to the user and developer.
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