What is Aspose.HTML for Java?
The Aspose.HTML for Java can render the HTML as well as the java HTML files and perform the process of manipulation of the API as well as the manipulation of the files such as styles of the CSS write to the PDF format as well as the Raster image formats. The Aspose.HTML for Java tries to be very sophisticated HTML which is capable of manipulating the API to control as well as create the HTML right inside the software of the Java. Extracting the CSS, deleting as well as substituting the nodes it’s possible in this case with the help of the HTML Java. It can permit the uses and the developers to add as well as browse through the documents with manner. The MHTML as well as the API are capable of providing the users the ability to load the EPUB in addition to giving. The Aspose.HTML for Java has the ability to support the interfile format and the conversion to load the documents of HTML and have the ability to save the output in the format of PDF and the XSP. Also the images of the raster such as JPEG, PNG, BMP and it is capable of providing the users the encryption for the files of the PDF. The president manipulating two files of the HTML which includes the PDF as well as raster formats of the image within the user application. The repository in this case contains the cloud source code of the SDK for the Aspose. HTML and this unique SDK permits the users and developers to work with the Aspose. HTML cloud REST and the API in the application of the user in a quick and easy manner. The ability to access the users and developers to write as well as read at the same time modify and navigate and why not convert the HTML document from the applications of Java. The Aspose. HTML for Java API is capable of working as a headless browser service which permits the users and developers to create as well as open the existing document of the HTML and at the same time extract the CSS from the format of the HTML as well as configured the particular document of the sandbox and a lot more. The user can navigate to documents of the HTML with the use of the different method such as element traversal, document traversal the queries of the XPath and even selector queries of the CSS and the process of manipulation of the HTML DOM through the JavaScript, converting of the HTML file to the images as well as fixed-layout formats, and converting the MHTML as well as the EPUB different file formats.
The features and attributes of the Aspose.HTML for Java are stated as:
- It has the ability to work with the JRE and it is written completely in Java.
- It has the ability to support the 32-bit as 64-bit of the OS.
- The user has the ability to create as well as open the existing HTML document from other different sources.
- Extracting of the style of the CSS for the specific node of the HTML.
- The process of configuration of a document in a format of a sandbox which has the ability to affect the processing of the documents in the HTML format.
- It has unique support for the Navigation process through the document of the HTML in different ways.
- The process of manipulation of the HTML DOM through JavaScript is permitted.
- Converting the document of the web to a different supported file format can be performed by the user.
- The user can extract text from pages.
- The user has the ability to add text in the file of the HTML.
- The process of searching for the text from the pages is possible for the users and the developers.
- Creating, editing, as well as removing the HTML nodes and replacing them.
- The user has the ability to convert the document of the HTML to the file format of PDF.
- It is possible for the user to convert the HTML document with the file format for XPS.
- The process of extracting the styles of the CSS from the famous and particular nodes of the HTML.
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- Aspose.HTML for Java v21.4 (02 May 2021) + CRACK.rar (Size: 25.7 MB - Date: 5/9/2021 7:03:04 PM)
- Aspose.HTML for Java v20.12 (27 Dec 2020) + CRACK.rar (Size: 22.2 MB - Date: 2/24/2021 12:34:16 PM)
- Aspose.HTML for Java v19.9 (25 Sep 2019) Retail + License Key.rar (Size: 18.0 MB - Date: 8/20/2020 2:54:46 PM)
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