What is Aspose.CAD for JAVA?
The Aspose.CAD for Java has been described to be a conversion that is AutoCAD and has the native API without any dependencies of the software. It permits the users and the developers in the process of conversion of the files such as the DWG, DXF, and even the DWF to raster the format of the image as well as PDF. During the process of conversion, the developer and the user can choose as well as convert the specified layers along with the process of keeping track of the conversion process of the files. The Java Auto Cad conversion API can convert files as well as software dependencies to the format of PDF and raster images. It is known to be an Innovative conversion of the AutoCAD for the native API. Throughout the process of the conversion, the user can perform everything with ease and flexibility. It should be noted that AutoCAD does not require the user as well as any version of Java to be installed on the user software. It should be noted that there is only one technology present in AutoCAD that does not require Java dependency and it has been sandboxed in the format of PDF and the floating engine. At the same time, PDF format technology is being powered. The Aspose.CAD for Java is very much available as a license which is perpetual and it includes a need for a subscription that entitles the users and the developer's product update for one year. When the expiry date arrives the user has the ability and can still license to use the product but to download and use the update further the product itself or has to be renewed by the subscription of the user. It can be available individually in the multiple suit platforms as well as multiple functions of java suit for the users and the developers. It should be added that the Aspose. CAD Is described to be a standalone software for the platform of java which can read the files of CAD and these files can export the content to the file format of PDF. It allows the export of files partially and exports only the specific entities or the layers from the files of DWG and even the DXF. It permits the users a free evaluation which is offered for all the functionality and can easily read and be used for the experimenting process. While do user is using the Aspose.CAD for the Java in the respective project can give the user the following benefits such as features that are very rich, independent platforms, scalability as well as performance, and last but not least learning curve which is minimal. In the new versions, it has added certain features like adding the ability and well as removing the image which is inside the file of the DXF and has added the mechanism internally to add watermarks to the image during the process of exporting the format to death PDF.
It has certain features as well as attributes that are stated below as:
- The current version of the DXF and the DWG has supported documents.
- The document conversion of the AutoCAD is possible to the format of PDF.
- The file rendering of the AutoCAD to the raster images are possible for the users and the developers.
- The user can choose as well as convert specific layers.
- Tracking of the document as well as the conversion process is possible for the user.
- The Aspose.CAD for Java API is capable of supporting the conversion process of CAD drawing to the format of PDF.
- The users and developers are capable of easily adjusting the options of the drawing just like the case of the draw color, page size, font, background color, and even the mode of the scale.
- It can support the latest version.
- Provides the user with a conversion of the files to the high quality of PDF.
- It does not support the Shadows, light, material as well as additional cameras.
- There is no support for the flat entities that are natural and are mixed with the entities of 3D in the same respective drawing.
- It does not support the creation of buildings like the intersected entity and even the entities that are United.
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