Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core 2 - Roland Guijt is an indispensable course for developers seeking to leverage the unparalleled flexibility and efficiency of GraphQL within their ASP.NET Core applications. Through a series of concise and practical modules, Guijt introduces viewers to the transformative capabilities of GraphQL, highlighting its superiority over traditional REST or SOAP architectures. By delving into the core principles of GraphQL, developers swiftly gain the expertise necessary to construct a robust GraphQL endpoint seamlessly integrated into their ASP.NET Core projects.
Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core 2 - Roland Guijt systematically guides learners through creating and consuming GraphQL APIs. Guijt elucidates the intricacies of schema design, query construction, and mutation handling with clear explanations and hands-on demonstrations, empowering developers to optimize data retrieval and manipulation workflows. Furthermore, learners explore the innovative realm of subscriptions, discovering how GraphQL enables real-time communication between servers and clients, enhancing responsiveness and interactivity. By the course's conclusion, participants emerge equipped with the knowledge and skills to harness the full potential of GraphQL, revolutionizing their API development practices and unlocking new possibilities for building dynamic and efficient applications.
Building GraphQL APIs with ASP.NET Core 2 - Roland Guijt Table of contents :
Course Overview (Duration: 1 min)
Starting with GraphQL (Duration: 20 mins)
Creating a GraphQL API (Duration: 17 mins)
Consuming a GraphQL API (Duration: 20 mins)
Mutating Data with GraphQL (Duration: 12 mins)
Working with Subscriptions (Duration: 10 mins)
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