IronQR for .Net is a premier C# QR Code library designed to meet the demands of accuracy, ease of use, and speed. Whether generating, reading, or styling QR codes, IronQR offers a comprehensive solution for .NET developers. Its intuitive API allows seamless integration into .NET projects, providing Barcode functionality in minutes.
With IronQR for .Net, developers can effortlessly work with QR codes across various platforms and environments. It fully supports .NET Core, .NET Standard, and .NET Framework, ensuring compatibility with web, mobile, desktop, and console applications. Moreover, IronQR is versatile enough to operate on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Docker, Azure, and AWS environments.
IronQR for .NET offers extensive support for various image formats for reading QR codes and provides a custom QR detection model for enhanced accuracy. It also allows for decoding QR data into different formats, such as strings, URIs, and point coordinates. On the other hand, when generating QR codes, IronQR for .Net supports multiple output formats, including images, streams, and PDFs, with options for encoding various types of data and applying styling features such as resizing, recoloring, and adding logos. IronQR for .Net offers robust fault tolerance mechanisms, detailed error messages, and customizable error correction for optimal performance and reliability.
Key Features of IronQR for .Net:
Generate, read, and style QR codes on Desktop, Mobile, and Cloud
Custom Machine Learning Model reads any QR Code
Fully supports .NET 8, 7, 6, Core, Standard, Framework
Compatible with C#, F#, & VB.NET
Supports .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET Framework
Works with Web (Blazor & WebForms), Mobile (Xamarin & MAUI), Desktop (WPF & MAUI), and Console (App & Library) project types
Compatible with Windows (10+), Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.), Apple macOS (10+), Apple iOS (12+),
Android API 21+ (v5 “Lollipop”), Docker (Windows, Linux, Azure), Azure (VPS, WebApp, Function), and AWS (EC2, Lambda) environments
Supports Microsoft Visual Studio and JetBrains ReSharper & Rider IDEs
Reads various image formats including jpg, png, svg, bmp, gif, tif, tiff
Writing capabilities include image, stream, PDF, and encoding data such as text, URLs, bytes, and numbers
Styling options include resizing, margins & borders, recoloring, and adding logos to QR codes
Provides fault tolerance, QR version selection, null checking, checksums, format awareness, detailed error messages, and custom QR error correction.
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