What is RESP.app (GUI for Redis -RedisDesktopManager)?
RESP.app is a simple utility created to assist you in managing your Redis servers through a visual interface. Apart from providing fast access to the databases, RESP.app can also offer assistance in performing the most basic tasks, like the CRUD keys, viewing the keys in a tree, or running commands using the shell.
You can begin by connecting via the Redis server, a temporary installation. Like other niche tools, you will need to provide the host name, username, port, and password to connect. It is important to note that the program has advanced settings for connection that let you alter the loading of keys, limit timeouts, and change the host that the cluster redirects.
The application utilizes the wildcard-glob-style pattern used in the scan command. It loads the entire key set from the database. Although this isn't an issue for databases with a simple structure, it could be a problem when databases contain many keys. The benefit is that you can use specific scan filters to reduce the loading time and how many keys.
The application can be helpful when you frequently perform routine tasks in bulk since it can help you save lots of time and money. In the above description, you could include setting TTL for several keys or keys that match the global pattern and taking data out of production to help debug the process and import information from RDB files.
RESP.app provides a simple-to-use GUI for accessing the Redis (r) servers as well as performing basic operations:
- View keys like trees
- Keys that CRUD
- Review the amount of memory used by all DB or the namespace you wish to analyze in the tree-view (Redis (r) greater than 4.0 is necessary)
- Clients with List Connected Pub/Sub channels, List connected clients, and Slow Log commands
- Execute commands via shell
RESP.app allows massive operations, which makes it easier for the daily routines of developers:
- Copy data from the production env to the dev environment for debugging or transfer your application to another cloud service
- Data import from RDB files. You can split your data quickly from large RDB files to several smaller Redis servers or only import one portion of the data.
- Set TTL for several keys
- Delete keys matching glob-pattern
RESP.app (GUI for Redis -RedisDesktopManager) Great Features:
- Always at hand, RESP.app is a GUI app available for macOS, iPadOS, Windows, and all Linux flavors.
- Memory Analyzer Analyse your Redis ® memory usage with RESP.app and remove obsolete data with bulk removal.
- Keep it up, Redis®! RESP.app supports all the latest Redis ® features: ACL, Streams, Cluster, Sentinel, ReJSON module, HyperLogLog, etc.
- TLS and SSH Build-in TLS, SSH, and TLS-over-SSH tunneling for easy and secure access to any Redis server.
- Grasp Your Data RESP.app displays JSON, MsgPack, PHP, Pickle, NumPy, pandas, and binary data in human-readable form, decodes Brotli, LZ4, ZSTD, Snappy, GZIP, Magento Cache, and Sessions, and supports Extension Server
- Clouds ready RESP.app works with Amazon ElastiCache, Microsoft Azure Redis Cache, Digital Ocean, and other Redis ® clouds.
Click on the below link to download RESP.app (GUI for Redis -RedisDesktopManager) for Win & macOS Retail NOW!
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