What is Xenforo?
The XenForo is a commercial Internet forum software program developed in PHP. The program was created by former vBulletin's principal developers Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan. It comes with several features for search engines optimization (SEO) options.
XenForo Compelling Community Platform. It is the best platform to build your community, and XenForo is the option that your customers will choose.
XenForo below to find out more or look into the other Online Community Management Software.
Engage your customers by offering a top-quality community experience.
Benefit from our unbeatable reliability, the flexibility to deploy, and the security of your data.
Engage your audience
Set up a forum in which your customers can communicate with your company.
They will share their favorite things and what you can improve.
Support via Crowdsourcing
Help ease the burden of the support staff.
Customers can ask each other questions and also discuss their experiences.
Create a safe place
Your data is the owner of your data.
Your customers will feel confident that their data isn't being sold to extensive technology.
XenforoGreat Features:
Forums - Discussions with others
The most crucial feature of XenForo is its forum system, and it allows your users to create and respond to discussions threads.
XenForo forums provide structured questions and answers, suggestion threads and forums, and extensive writing and display features.
Site structure
Create a hierarchy of forums and categories where your users can discuss topics of interest. Create permissions and control settings based on the part of your site where discussions take place.
Questions and answer threads let answers be voted down, and a favored answer be chosen.
If forums are designated as forums for suggestions, they can be categorized as suggestion forums. The discussions within them can be arranged according to the number of positively voted each recommendation received, and the most popular suggestions rise to the top of the list.
Practical and intuitive tools for writing
In addition to a friendly what-you-see-is-what-you-get text editor, XenForo allows file attachments to be dragged into place, images to be precisely edited and located, links to be unfurled for a helpful preview, and media to be embedded.
If handled properly, XenForo posts can be fully-fledged content.
Custom reactions
The capability to "like" content is now commonplace. The ability to 'like' content has become ubiquitous, and XenForo extends this feature by allowing you to define an entire spectrum of reactions that are weighted by the positive or negative score so that you can be aware of the top quality content available on your website.
Watched content
Users can 'watch' the discussions or even entire forums and choose to receive email or notifications on the site when discussions are reacted to.
Bookmarks let the content be saved for easy retrieval later.
Utilities for staff
XenForo offers a variety of moderation tools that allow staff members to tackle complex content at any time using tools for editing on-page, a queue for publishing content, an interface for reporting centrally, and the ability to issue automatic warnings to those who are causing trouble.
Conversations - Direct messaging
A large portion of functionality offered in forums is available to users to directly send messages between each other or large groups of people.
Group discussions
In addition to the simple messaging between users, XenForo conversation supports direct messages among groups of people, which allows for a rich and interactive interaction and collaboration.
Invite other users to join in the chat
The XenForo chat system allows users to invite others to the conversation, with or without access to the whole discussion until the point where they join.
Opt-out anytime
Conversation participants can leave conversations at any point or turn off messages.
Star-related conversations
Each conversation can be "starred which allows the conversation list to be reduced to show only those items with stars to make it easy to find essential conversations.
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