What is IDERA ER/Studio Viewer?
Information modelers and architects are tasked with the mission-critical job of taking requirements for information resources and translating those to implementable designs. This must be with the controller and inside a data governance frame. Whether You're creating a new version from a conceptual design or changing a Present advantage by making adjustments to the reverse-engineered design, user-friendly data structure and layout tools create These data modeling use cases faster, simpler, more precise, and much more collaborative:
IDERA ER/Studio Viewer Great Features:
Visual Data Lineage (VDL)
Visually examine and record how information flows through your company without inspecting code—view and print information lineage diagrams in the Data Lineage tab. See "Documenting Data Extraction, Transformation, and Load" from the User Guide to Learn More.
Repository Connectivity
Viewer users link directly to any or all repository diagrams and termed releases. They are not hooked on ER/Studio users to acquire the diagrams and set them onto a network drive for them to get. Use Team Server Lookup standards to find diagrams at the Repository.
Data Dictionary Access
Viewer users finally have complete access to this data dictionary of ER/Studio diagrams. Viewer users can open and navigate all dictionary thing editors to navigate crucial information like attachment domain or values information.
Read-only Editor Access to All Model Objects
Unlimited screening of Model items, for example, Entities, Attributes, Relationships, Views, schema items, and many others. Viewer users have access to all properties like storage parameters, the DDL preview, definitions/notes --.
Model Layout Capabilities
The Viewer displays the same sophisticated layout algorithms out there in ER/Studio. The design engines may be utilized to wash up a design layout before printing to produce the model more readable.
Object Editor Access
ER/Studio Viewer now allows the user to register accessibility to the house editors for many items on the diagram and the explorer tree. You will have complete, comprehensive model information such as notes, definitions, limitations, dependency and pre/post-SQL, and connection possessions.
Entity Pop-Up Assist
A customizable feature permits the user to immediately acquire information associated with the entity/table items by hovering the cursor on the desired item. The user can personalize this view by choosing text in the thing's definition, notes, features, keys, color attributes, and much more. Select"View" in the Main Menu, then pick the"Model Support Settings" submenu for the whole list.
Model Explorer Browser
Easily navigate and locate information within the version using a recognizable Explorer-type browser. Toggle between Logical and Physical Designs, drill down to the feature level while the program highlights the item on screen for simple identification.
Zoom Window
This large, positionable window magnifies the perspective of objects onto the modeling workspace beneath the cursor. This is especially helpful when browsing big versions.
Customizable Model Views
Pick the degree of information you would like to see inside the design because it appears on the workspace. The consumer can opt to observe the model for a collection of simple entities and their connections, expose all of the entity's characteristics, see only the main keys, and much more. Additionally, the users may increase or reduce the zoom level through an easily available toolbar choice.
Pick Your Style Notation
ER,/Studio Viewer enables the user to toggle between any of the three major data modeling notations supported by the native ER/Studio Data Architect program: IDEF1X, Information Engineering (IE or'Crows Foot'), and Filtered IE (concealed foreign keys).
Printing Ability
ER/Studio Viewer enables the user to publish diagrams. The program has the same degree of printing service available from the native ER/Studio program. A complete selection of printing capabilities can be obtained, such as print-to-scale and much more.
Complete ER/Studio Assist Guide
Provides the identical degree of data in the commercially available version of ER/Studio, such as information on the information modeling notations, the way to utilize ER/Studio's innovative graphical attributes, and much more.
On-Line HTML Help
ER/Studio comes with an HTML support facility that takes advantage of a browser-based program's worldwide browsing and search capabilities.
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IDERA ER-Studio Viewer v19.2.1 Build 12253 + Keygen.rar (Size: 133.9 MB - Date: 5/30/2022 1:00:10 PM)
IDERA ER-Studio Viewer v19.1.0 Build 12055 + Keygen.rar (Size: 129.1 MB - Date: 9/7/2021 3:51:50 PM)
IDERA ER-Studio Viewer v19.0.1 Build 11679 + Keygen.rar (Size: 128.1 MB - Date: 6/7/2021 3:37:28 PM)
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