What is Red Gate SQL Compare (Schema)?
The quickest way to install & compare SQL Server schemas.
Save time assessing and deploying SQL Server database schemas using SQL Compare. Find and fix errors, and make setup scripts in moments.
SQL Compare is the market standard for deploying and comparing SQL Server database schemas fast and correctly.
71 percent of the Fortune 100 use SQL Compare to compare SQL Server databases -- since it is relentlessly analyzed, simple to use, generates perfect setup scripts, and saves time.
Whether you have to deploy modifications or learn more about the differences between two SQL Server databases, SQL Compare helps perform the work quickly, just, and without any mistakes.
Compare SQL Server schema changes from dev to examine to manufacturing.
Compare SQL Server database schemas, big or small, including Temporal Tables, using innovative filtering of database items.
You may research what is changed in every database item down to individual lines of SQL. When you are ready to set up, you may produce an error-free installation script in moments.
Troubleshoot database variations and make reports in HTML or Excel.
Deploy without any mistakes
SQL Assess scripts dependencies on your database in the ideal sequence to be certain installation is successful.
You receive notifications about any problems, like data reduction, before you set up.
Deploy changes right
Migrate person schema differences, a range of these, or them all.
Build sophisticated principles to limit what to set up.
You can conduct deployments straight from the UI or command line, save installation scripts for later use or enhance your deployments utilizing SQL Change Automation.
Locate and fix issues in manufacturing
To resolve mistakes on your production database, compare it to backup, scripts in source management, or even a database photo. It's possible to deploy single items to repair the matter quickly.
Should you have to repair static information, utilize SQL Data Compare to set up changes with no necessity for complete database retrieval.
Red Gate SQL Compare (Schema) Amazing Attributes:
- SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, SQL Azure, & SQL Server on Amazon RDS databases, such as Temporal Tables
- Snapshots of this schema
- Backup documents (both native SQL Server & Redgate SQL Backup Pro)
- Linux command-line service (beta)
- Compare and deploy modifications to SQL Server database schemas (from dev, to examine, to manufacturing )
- Support for Temporal Tables
- Assess two SQL Server databases, synchronize, and install from inside SSMS
- Automatically create error-free setup scripts.
- Create T-SQL scripts that upgrade one SQL Server database to match the schema of another
- Save installation scripts for later use.
- Automatically produce error-free synchronization scripts.
- Comparison and installation of databases
- Pick the best way to test differences: SQL View or Summary View.
- Migrate individual schema gaps, a choice of these, or most of these
- Build sophisticated principles to limit what things to install
- Deploy individual schema gaps, a choice of these, or most of these
- Support for reading encrypted database items
- Fine-grained filtering of database items
- Troubleshoot database variations
- Dependency checking, therefore items are scripted in the correct sequence for upgrades.
- Warnings about whatever you Want to Know about before deploying SQL Server schemas
- Conserve schema snapshots for audit and roll-back functions
- Enriched HTML report creation detailing database gaps
- Troubleshoot database differences and research schema changes to see what is happening in the evolution
- Support for Retention Tables
- Azure Active Directory authentication
- Support for SQL Graph
- Securely save server and database login information.
- Support for links to SQL Server instances on Linux.
- Run deployments in the control line
- Automatically output a database to individual item creation scripts.
- Deploy a live database by a set of SQL object scripts
- Restore Only a single thing (or choice of items ) from a backup file
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