What is StarUML Commercial?
StarUML is described to be a complex program modeler available for the agile as well as the succinct modelling process. It is considered to be an open Source Project which is used in order to create a fast, flexible, adaptive as well as a featureful, at the same time a free available platform of UML/MDA for the operation on the Windows 32 platform. The objective of it is to compel the replacement of the industrial tools of UML just like the Rational Rose, together, and a few more to be mentioned.
StarUML Commercial Great Features:
It is basically considered to be packed with the standard metal model of UML 2x, as well diagrams, class, object, component, deployment, composite construction, sequence, communication process, state chart, action, profile diagram and last but not least, information flow.
SysML Service
It is considered to be having the ability to support the stimulating with the use of the diagrams of SysML, the requirement, block definition, internal block, and finally the parametric diagram.
Additional Diagrams
Additional diagrams are capable of supporting in order to create an entity relationship diagram, data flow diagram, and finally the flowchart diagram.
Retina Display Support
It has the capability to support the retina display for the users and developers. It should be noted that all the diagrams, text as well as icons that are razor sharp in nature and can be exported even to a high image DPI easily.
Extension Manager
The capability to easily discover as well as install extensions that belong to the third party. There are a lot of extension that are open source and can be hosted on GitHub.
Click on the below link to download StarUML Commercial with CRACK NOW!
3/9/2022 11:06:54 PM
Thank you for this! Please keep this one updated, its a great and very usefull tool if you know how to use it. But its really, really expensive and when only one diagram is needed then 95% of all money is a waste. But that single tool they have + js plugin system is probably the only tool a developer needs.