What is SmartXLS for .NET?
The SmartXLS is basically a high-performance .NET component that can get help to the user in Reading, writing Excel-compatible files, calculating without the need to use Microsoft Excel or any order developer as well as client machines. This component was entirely written in a managed code of the C#. The benefit of the SmartXLS software is that this version is a fully enabled version of the product. It has free technical support via email and all the purchased products have about a year of free technical support via email as well as a free upgrade. The renew process of the subscription of the user for a new year for the update as well as technical support is provided by them for the users. The user can purchase the product securely only through the Registration Service. This high performer is so good that it helps in everything starting from handling multiple worksheets, merging regions, supporting the template, styling of the cells, and even the format numbering of the customs. Apart from the features below, this performer can insert a comment in the area of the cell, insert text into the cell, and allows the user to access the cells easily by searching their names. This has made the life of the user easier and all the processes have gained a lot of speed. Things like copying, deleting, moving of the cell are possible through this performer. On the same hand, the SmartXLS is a high performance of Java Excel which can write, read, and do the same things as the other. it has the features like the loading and saving of the files of the CSV, protecting the entire workbook, preserving the pictures, charts, template files, and many more.
SmartXLS for .NET Amazing Attributes:
Some of the great features are as follows:
- It provides import data into the Excel worksheet right from the data table.
- In this feature, the Excel worksheet is exported and the data is exported as well to the data table.
- There is template support, that allows the creation of new workbooks, with the use of the existing workbook as a template.
- Encryption and decryption of the Excel files are possible.
- There can be multiple worksheets per one file present here.
- Custom number formatting as well as merging of the regions is possible.
- The style of the cell that can be alignment, indentation, borders, shades, protection, rotation as well as text wrapping and shrinking.
- The formatting of the font that can be the size, color type of the phone whether it is italic or the strikeout properties, boldness of different levels subscript, along with underlining.
- The height of the rows, and the width of the column.
- The ranges of the names that can be used wherever the user wishes. The cells can be accessed by their names very easily.
- There is unique formula support like the names, 3D cell references, and has more than 260 functions that are supported.
- Supported calculation with the use of the robust formula for calculation that uses the cells and the worksheet entirely and helps in the calculation process.
- One of the features is that there are references along with the formulas to the external workbooks.
- It allows us to set print options such as the print area, print margin, header, and footer, along with page break.
- It allows the option to insert comments.
- Create pivot tables for Excel right from the scratch.
- Has macro support allows the users to read the macros and later preserve them on the re-saving.
- Everything can be written down in 100% code management.
- It has Unicode support for the users.
- It has a net medium trust for supporting apps.
- It even has mono support which works on the Unix, Linux, OS X machines with the mono.
- It allows the addition of the remarks and comments can be added to the mobile.
- It has a rich text insert and rich text to cell property.
- Allows the process of conditional formatting.
- Has rangers for the names.
- The CSV files are delimited just with a comma, tab, semicolon, and any other separator.
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